Applications of nano-LC in pharmaceutical analysis.
The trend toward instrument miniaturization in recent years has made it possible to develop new and sophisticated analytical techniques, such as nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC). This has made it possible to improve the sensitivity and resolution of chromatography. Nano HPLC is essential for both qualitative and quantitative analytical methods. The growing interest in nano-LC methods has led to the development of several fascinating and inventive applications. This chapter will cover the theoretical aspects of the nano-LC method and its current practical uses in the analysis of pharmaceutical and biological molecules. Furthermore, the future prospects regarding the development of nano-LC techniques will be examined.
- nano-liquid chromatography
- injection system
- analytical performance
- pharmaceutical
- biomedical
1. Introduction
It is not novel to see systems becoming smaller. Miniaturization is the current trend. According to statistics published in the literature in the 1978–1990s, miniaturization was introduced by researchers in the field of liquid chromatography (LC) approximately 30 years ago. Early research, for example, by the groups of Novotny and Knox, examined theoretical as well as practical aspects of lowering the column internal diameter (i.d.) that is used in chromatography [1, 2, 3, 4]. More recently, biological applications in the proteomics research field have been the main driving force behind the expansion of miniaturized LC devices. The developments in micro-column liquid chromatography will be covered in this chapter, with particular emphasis on column development, instrumentation, analyte detection, and application areas.
The analytical discipline is the primary application for miniature techniques including nano-LC, which use stationary phases (SPs) housed within capillaries (fused silica). Typical example of this, capillary electrophoresis (CE), one of these methods with several modes, which has been extensively researched and used [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. However, only nano-liquid chromatography, or nano-LC, will be covered in this chapter.
2. Theory and principle of nano-liquid chromatography
2.1 Theoretical aspects of nano-LC
The foundation principle of a tiny chromatographic system is the same as that of normal chromatography. The injected analytes may dilute in the column during the chromatographic process, changing the effectiveness of the separation process:
The expression for this dilution event, known as chromatographic dilution (D), is as follows: where
2.2 Analytical instrumentation of nano-LC systems
2.2.1 Pump
In order to facilitate nanoscale gradient elution, pumps for nano-LC should have stable, repeatable nanoflow rates throughout separations. For the Nano-LC, there are two primary systems available: split pumps and splitless pumps, the latter of which are offered for sale and are commercially available. Split systems distinguish high flow rates (mL/min) from traditional HPLC pumps by using a flow restrictor between the pump and a smaller column. With a straightforward nanoflow restrictor design, these devices can utilize conventional HPLC pumps [13]. Split systems, however, have the potential to result in inconsistent split ratios, inconsistent nanoflow, and inconsistent separation. It is quite challenging to achieve reproducible gradient elution, particularly when using DIY (Do it yourself) split devices. This manner of elution may be limited by differences in backpressure caused by different mixed solvent viscosities [14]. Splitless systems are currently commonly employed in nano-LC. These technologies provide extremely reproducible nanoflow rates while eliminating solvent loss. Split systems are inferior to syringe pumps with a single limited-volume reservoir; however, continuous-flow pumps, which resemble traditional piston pumps with two pistons per channel, are now the most widely used type. Both isocratic and gradient nanoflow elutions can be performed using continuous-flow pumps, and adjusting to the required nanoflow rate is simple.
2.2.2 Injection
Another crucial factor in chromatography that requires careful consideration is the volume of the injected sample. Inadequate injection volume can lead to major issues and worsen the analytes’ separation by broadening the column band. As a result, the sample must be injected into any chromatographic system as narrowly as feasible; the issue becomes more apparent when the column’s i.d. decreases. The maximum sample volume that can be injected into a column depends on several parameters such as the length of the column (L), the particle diameter (dp), the column diameter (dc), and the retention factor (k):
As a result, specific, commercially accessible valves with internal loop capacities of 40–60 nL are utilized. As an alternative, loops with larger volumes are used; however, in this instance, the time is controlled by injecting only a portion of the sample solution [15]. Therefore, an LC injector with minor changes would be required for a laboratory-made nano-LC system (see Figure 1) in addition to a split pump system and a UV-visible detector. Lastly, automated sample injection techniques are used in current nano-LC instrumentation, where volumes—typically μL—are split into nL.

Figure 1.
Schematic diagram of assembled nano-LC instrumentation.
2.2.3 Nano columns
While 10 μm i.d. columns are also an option, 75 μm i.d. nano-LC columns are the most commonly utilized. In nano-LC separations, this i.d. column offers a reasonable balance between robustness, loadability, and detectability.
Since there were no commercially available columns in the early days of nano-LC, researchers had to make their own. Thanks to effective packing techniques, the first nano-LC columns were made commercially available in the 1990s. The selection of columns has expanded significantly over the past 20 years, and nano-LC columns are also offered. Research laboratories utilize self-packed nano-LC columns frequently for cost-effective purposes on a periodic basis. There are several variants and formats of nano-LC columns, monoliths, open tubular columns, and the pillar array format. Most applications are done with packed columns, while the monolith and open tubular columns are still less established as routine tools. The two types of nano-LC columns are explained below.
Packed columns
Fused silicon capillaries covered with polyimide are utilized to create the packed columns used in the nano-LC columns. In addition to their current flexibility, strong mechanical resistance, and range of internal dimensions, nanocolumns can also be made of titanium and stainless steel tubes. They can be filled with a monolithic bed of silica-based particles, packed with silica-based particles, or, much less frequently, wall-coated with the proper inorganic or organic materials. Particle sizes between 3 and 5 μm are most frequently used in packed nanocolumns. Particle-filled tiny i.d. columns are challenging to prepare, nevertheless.
Monolithic columns
In biospecific analysis, biocompatible compounds present an intriguing alternative to conventional synthesis methods for processing monoliths. Because the stationary phase is fixed to the column wall in this sort of column, a porous (silica or polymer) structure forms throughout the column, obviating the requirement for frits. Single rods of organic or inorganic material that can form in the capillary column are known as monolithic stationary phases. Monolithic columns do not require frits, and their high porosity permits faster mobile phase flow rates, which shortens the separation time. Modern nano-LC columns with the separation power needed for these complicated proteomics samples are now commercially available in lengths as long as 50 cm.
2.2.4 Analyte detection
The kinds of detection used in HPLC separations are also used in nano-LC. Nano-LC frequently uses diode array detection (DAD) due to its low cost, broad applicability, and usage of online detection. Nevertheless, when using on-column detection, detectability is restricted because of the nano-column’s small path length. Longer light routes are provided by specially designed detecting cells, which solve this problem [16]. Although they are employed in nano-LC detection, laser-induced fluorescence [17] and inductively coupled plasma MS [18] are not reliable enough to be used in routine analysis. Applications in biomedicine and pharmacology typically need for universal detection techniques with high detectability, like MS detection. For MS coupling across different nanospray interfaces, particularly electrospray ionization (ESI), which only needs a tiny quantity of eluent from the LC column to be successful, the nanoflow from the column (often 100–500 nL/min) is sufficient [19].
3. Application of nano-liquid chromatography
Numerous studies and reviews on miniaturized nano-LC, covering theoretical issues as well as practical applications, support these methods as effective tools that are also more environmentally friendly than the existing separation techniques, particularly when combined with MS.
3.1 Pharmaceutical application
Pharmaceutical analysis is a significant subject with a wide range of applications in various domains, including drug quality control, pharmacokinetic research, and examination of the chiral purity and quality of pharmaceutical formulations. For chiral analysis, nano-LC and capillary LC are favored methods of quality control; however HPLC is still the method of choice for industrial quality control. Actually, a lot of research is being done on novel chiral stationary phases (CSPs), which are frequently synthesized in little quantities or with low yields yet sufficient to build a capillary column.
One of the applications of Nano-LC on pharmaceutical analysis is the enantiomeric separation of amlodipine and its two chiral impurities by nano-liquid chromatography and capillary elecrochromatography using a chiral stationary phase based on cellulose tris. In this work, a novel polysaccharide-based chiral stationary phase (CSP), cellulose tris (4-chloro-3 methylph enylcarbamate), also called Sepapak 4 has been evaluated for the chiral separation of amlodipine, and its two impurities. Capillary columns of 100 μm id packed with the chiral stationary phase were used for both nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC) and capillary elecrochromatography (CEC) experiments. To fully resolve the mixture of six enantiomers, parameters such as buffer pH and concentration sample injection have been then investigated. A mixture of ACN/water (90/10, v/v) containing 5 mM ammonium borate buffer pH 9.0 enabled the complete separation of the three couples of enantiomers in less than 30 minutes [20].
Another study shows a new nano-liquid chromatographic method for b-blocker enantiomers’ separation. This method uses a capillary column packed with silica particles, which were chemically modified with vancomycin. On-column focusing allowed the inject of relatively high sample volumes (1500 nL), increasing method sensitivity. The studied racemic compounds, namely atenolol, propranolol, oxprenolol, and metoprolol, were dissolved in methanol and injected for chromatographic separation. The effect of injected sample volume was studied in the range of 50–2100 nL. Under optimal experimental conditions, LODs and LOQs (LOD and LOQ for each alprenolol enantiomer) were 9.0 and 15.6 ng/mL, respectively. Calibration curves were linear in the studied range (9–250 ng/mL). The optimized method was applied to the analysis of a human plasma sample spiked with racemic alprenolol [21].
The other application focuses on the development of a microfluidic confocal fluorescence detection system for the hyphenation of nano-LC to online biochemical assays. Here, they worked toward minimization of sample and reagent consumption by coupling nano-LC online to a light emitting diode (LED) based capillary confocal fluorescence detection system capable of online BCD with low-flow rates. In this fluorescence detection system, a capillary with an extended light path (bubble cell) was used as a detection cell in order to enhance sensitivity. The current setup uses 50 nL as injection volume with a carrier flow rate of 400 nL/min. Finally, coupling of the detection system to gradient reversed-phase nano-LC allowed analysis of mixtures in order to identify the bioactive compounds present by injecting 10 nL of each mixture [22]. Some applications of nano-LC in pharmaceutical analysis are explained in Table 1.
Analytes | Column | Detector | Mobile phase | Comments | References |
Racemic mixtures of 50 multiclass pharmaceutical | 20 cm × 150 μm i.d. S.P.: CSP- single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in polymer monolithic backbone | UV | Isocratic (300 nL/min) CH3OH/acetonitrile/ water/Trifluoroacetic acid 2-propanol/ CH3OH propanol | Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) encapsulated into different polymer-based monolithic backbones for monomer, cross linker and porogen solvent | [20] |
Racemic mixtures of warfarin, naproxen | 18/25 cm × 75 μm i.d. S.P.: silica, S.S-Whelk- O1–2.5-CSP (2.5 μm, 120 Å) | UV λ = 214nmMS (Orbitrap) | Isocratic (300 nL/min) Warfarin: n-hexane/ CH2Cl2/CH3OH Naproxen: CH3OH /NH4CH3CO2 | Single polymeric organic monolithic outlet frit. RP separation of no chiral hydrophobic mixture | [23] |
Racemic mixtures of 8 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) | 10 cm × 100 μm i.d. S.P.: C18-monolithic silica or C18 (3 μm, 110 Å) | UV λ = 200 nm | Isocratic (−) Methanol/water/ Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin/ CH3COONa, pH | Chiral mobile phase additives (CMPAs) chiral analysis. Comparison between monolithic silica and C18 silica particles (3 μm, 110 Å) | [24] |
Racemic mixtures of temazepam, thalidomide, warfarin, etozoline | 25 cm × 75 μm i.d. S.P.: Chiral stationary phase(CSP)-silica based cellulose tris(4-chloro-3-methylphenylcarbamate) coated (10% w/w) (i) 3 μm native silica particles (ii) core-shell silica (2.8 μm) | UV λ = 205 nm | Isocratic (150 nL/min) Acetonitrile(CAN)/water/ NH4CH3CO2, pH 4.5 | Comparison between porous and core shell silica based CSP | [25] |
7 Sympathomimetic Drugs | 25 cm × 100 μm i.d. S.P: cross-linked diol hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) phase (μm, 195 Å) | UV λ = 205 nm | Isocratic (300 nL/min) Acetonitrile(ACN)/water/ NH4HCO2, pH 3 | Comparison between polar SPs (i.e., cyano-, diol-, aminopropylsilica and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) phase | [21] |
Amlodipine and two Impurities | 30 cm × 100 μm i.d. S.P.: Chiral stationary phases(CSP)silica based on cellulose tris (4-chloro-3-methylphenylcarbamate) | UV λ = 206 nm | Isocratic (100 nL/min) Acetonitrile(ACN)/water/ NH4-borate, pH 10 | Chiral analysis of Impurities | [14] |
8 Steroids | 5 cm × 50 μm i.d. S.P.: C18 hydrate (1.8 μm, 100 Å) | UV λ = 200–254 nm | Steroids: Isocratic (380 nL/min) Acetonitrile(ACN)/water/ NSAIDs: Isocratic (300 nL/min) Acetonitrile(ACN)/water/ | Comparison between different i.d. columns (50, 75 and 100 μm) | [22] |
7 Phenoxy acid herbicides | 20 cm × 100 μm i.d. S.P.: poly MQD-coHEMA-co-EDMA | UV λ = 210 nm | Isocratric (20 μL/min) Acetonitrile (ACN)/water/ NH4CH3CO2, pH 5. | Chiral analysis | [26] |
Acetaminophen, paracetamol, aspirin metabolites | Monolithic column (375μm x 50 μm i.d. with a length of 28 cm) | UV λ = 205 nm | 0.05 mL/min Acetonitrile (ACN)/water/ Tris buffer (20 mmol/L, pH 8.5) | Hydrophilic and strong anion exchange interaction | [27] |
Table 1.
3.2 Biomedical application
It is essential to quickly and highly accurately identify molecules of biological interest. Recent advancements in analytical instrumentation and sample preparation techniques have facilitated biological investigations aimed at identifying these remarkable compounds. Nowadays, medicinal and veterinary medications, doping management, disease diagnosis, and the quantitative identification of biomarkers and proteomes are the main application sectors for nano-LC analysis; the latter is mainly due to the extremely small sample size needed. HPLC-based methods overcome the classical problems of protein analysis, such as gel electrophoresis and immunoanalysis, which are both limited by multiple steps before analyses. The introduction of nano-LC coupled to MS and MS-MS has increased the need for quick and reliable identification methodologies due to the complexity of the proteome diversity. With the use of a comprehensive identification database, they have made it possible to precisely determine the amino acid sequences from proteins or peptides. Nevertheless, because a combination of two or more identification methodologies yields a wealth of information about protein sequencing and peptide mapping, classical approaches are still employed with nano-LC-MS. Using nano-LC–MS-MS, proteomic investigations have been carried out on synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients. Destructive articular illnesses including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are marked by inflammatory abnormalities when defense cells gradually break down the cartilage tissues. Peptides associated with both articular disorders and additional peptides unique to each were found in one investigation. Understanding the synovial fluid proteome was crucial for identifying protein fractions that served as biomarkers and facilitated effective clinical management of patient care [28].
One biomedical application was to identify epithelial and stromal proteins that exhibit up- or down-regulation in keratoconus (KC) versus normal human corneas. Because previous proteomic studies utilized whole human corneas or epithelium alone, thereby diluting the specificity of the proteome of each tissue, they selectively analyzed the epithelium and stromal proteins. Individual preparations of epithelial and stromal proteins from KC and age-matched normal corneas were analyzed by two independent methods, that is, a shotgun proteomic using a Nano-Electrospray Ionization Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry [Nano-ESI-LC-MS (MS)2] and two-dimensional-difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) coupled with mass spectrometric methods. The label-free Nano-ESI-LC-MS (MS)2 method identified 104 epithelial and 44 stromal proteins from both normal and KC corneas, and also quantified relative changes in levels of selected proteins, in both the tissues using spectral counts in a proteomic dataset [29].
A similar relative analysis of stroma by this method also showed upregulation of aldehyde dehydrogenase 3A1 (ALDH3A1), keratin 12, apolipoprotein A-IV precursor, haptoglobin precursor, prolipoprotein and lipoprotein Gln in keratoconus corneas. Together, the results suggested that the nano-ESI-LC-MS (MS) 2 method was superior to the 2D-DIGE method as it identified a greater number of proteins with altered levels in KC corneas. Further, the epithelial and stromal structural proteins of KC corneas exhibited altered levels compared to normal corneas, suggesting that they are affected due to structural remodeling during KC development and progression. Additionally, because several epithelial and stromal enzymes exhibited up- or down-regulation in the KC corneas relative to normal corneas, the two layers of KC corneas were under metabolic stress to adjust their remodeling [29].
In another biomedical application of nano-LC, the therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) constitute a group of highly effective agents for treating various refractory diseases. Nonetheless, it is challenging to achieve selective and accurate quantification of mAb in pharmaceutical matrices, which is required by PK studies. In this study, they employed a suite of technical advances to overcome these difficulties, which include: (i) a nano-LC/SRM-MS approach to achieve high analytical sensitivity, (ii) a high-resolution nano-LC/LTQ/Orbitrap for confident identification of candidate peptides, (iii) an on-the-fly orthogonal array optimization (OAO) method for the high-throughput, accurate and reproducible optimization for numerous candidate peptides in a single LC/MS run without using synthesized peptides, (iv) a comprehensive evaluation of stability of candidates in matrix using the optimized SRM parameters, (v) the use of two unique SP for quantification of one mAb to gauge possible degradation/modification in biological system and thus enhancing data reliability (e.g., rejection of data if the deviation between the two SP is greater than 25%), and (vi) the utilization of purified target protein as the calibrator to eliminate the risk of severe negative biases that could occur when a synthesized peptide is used as calibrator [30].
To show a proof of concept, this strategy is applied in the quantification of cT84.66, a chimeric, anti-CEA antibody, in preclinical mouse models. The strategy employed in this study can be easily adapted to the sensitive and accurate analysis of other mAb and therapeutic proteins [30]. Some applications of nano-LC on biomedical analysis including the proteome and its nano-LC conditions are explained in Table 2.
Matrix | Proteome | Nano-LC conditions | References |
Human corneas | Proteins from healthy and keratoconus corneas | 5 μL extracted tissue injected; C18 (5 μm, 100 μm i.d. ×11 cm); Acetonitrile(ACN) gradient, 500 nL/min; ion trap analyzer | [29] |
Surface proteins from cell wall | 108 digested cells injected; C18 (3 μm, 75 μm i.d *15 cm); CAN gradient, 300 nL/min, TOF analyzer after UV detection | [31] | |
Marine shells | Proteins from layers of the shell | 1 μL 108 digested sample injected;C18 (3 μm, 75 μm i.d *15 cm); ACN gradient, 50 nL/min, TOF analyzer | [32] |
Preclinical mouse modes | Monoclonal antibodies from mouse plasma | 2 μL 108 treated sample injected; C18 (5 μm, 75 μm i.d *25 cm); ACN gradient, 250 nL/min, no trap analyzer | [30] |
Table 2.
Recent proteomic and peptide analyses using nano-LC techniques coupled to MS detection.
3.3 Environmental analysis
The use of nano-LC for the analysis of compounds of environmental interest has not been so widely extended up to now, although HPLC is one of the major techniques for the analysis of pollutants and their metabolites. In fact, very few works deal with the application of nano-LC in environmental analysis [33].
MS detection was coupled through a nanospray interface, obtaining good intra- and interday precision and complete separation of zeralanol (ZAL) and E2 isomers in less than 20 minutes. The nano-LC-MS method was applied for the detection of the target compounds in mineral waters, extracting the analytes by SPE with commercial zearalenone (ZEN)-molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) cartridges, and obtaining LODs. The method was compared with CEC-MS, but less satisfactory limits of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) results were achieved due to the lower injection with respect to nano-LC and the MS signal suppression caused by the presence of the buffer in the MP [33].
Also, regarding monolithic columns, Rahayu and coworkers
3.4 Food analysis
The applications of miniaturized LC techniques to the analysis of foodstuffs are scarce with reference to other fields. The analysis of anthocyanins in commercial red fruit juices was assessed by nano-LC, and therefore the method was compared with conventional HPLC by Fanali and coworkers. A C18 capillary column of 100 μm i.d. and MS was employed within the first case, while a 2.1 mm i.d. narrow-bore C18 column and diode array detector (DAD) was utilized in the second. Both methods were fully validated to achieve higher sensitivity with HPLC. However, nano-LC offered good quantitative leads to a shorter analysis time. The column, full of fully porous particles, allowed the separation of all studied compounds in but 7 minutes and gave better results with respect to the column containing partially porous particles. On the opposite hand, the nano-LC system provided higher separation efficiency and worse peak symmetry and determination than conventional C18 columns by HPLC. The developed nano-LC method was applied to wine pomace samples and represented a suitable system for the analysis of anthocyanin dyes [15].
Besides the control of food quality and nutraceutical analysis, food safety has experienced an excellent rising concern. Food products reach the buyer through human handling and action, which generally results in the introduction of exogenous molecules that could modify and accelerate food deterioration or even endanger human health. In recent years, nano-LC and CLC have been applied for the determination of harmful compounds in food matrices such as antibiotics/drugs, pesticides, mycotoxins, and endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) like phthalates [35].
3.5 Future prospects
Nano-LC techniques are emerging as an accessible, robust, and easy-to-use platform. The hyphenation techniques of nano-LC with Mass spectrometry are offering the sensitivity, selectivity, and high resolution demanded in the analyses of highly regulated biopharmaceuticals. Thus, future analytical works in complex biological samples will rely heavily on nano-LC techniques.
4. Conclusions
As this chapter has shown, nano-LC is a cutting-edge separation method with a lot of promise, particularly in the analytical scale arena. It has been used in a variety of industries, including biomedical interest, agro-chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and environmental analyses techniques and samples. Pharmaceutical and biological applications require methodologies that are sensitive enough to identify and measure. Chemicals with biological significance are present in trace amounts. Hence, the used procedures, as demonstrated by nano-LC–MS and nano-LC–MS-MS hyphenations, must have outstanding detectability and undeniable identification, particularly for these low-concentration compounds. As an adjunct to immunoassays and electrophoresis in the analysis of biological molecules, nano-LC may soon establish a dominant position. In the near future, however, nano-LC has the potential to reach a consolidated position in the analysis of biological molecules as a complement to electrophoresis and immunoassays.
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