151 Open Access Books
3,294 Authors and Editors
3,379 Web of Science Citations
4,669 Crossref Citations
9,955 Dimension Citations
By Farah Maria Drumond Chequer, Gisele Augusto Rodrigues de Oliveira, Elisa Raquel Anastácio Ferraz, Juliano Carvalho Cardoso, Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni and Danielle Palma de Oliveira
Part of the book: Eco-Friendly Textile Dyeing and Finishing
By Zongping Wang, Miaomiao Xue, Kai Huang and Zizheng Liu
Part of the book: Advances in Treating Textile Effluent
By Sheikh Mohammad Fakhrul Islam and Zahurul Karim
Part of the book: Desalination
By Ashis Kumar Samanta and Adwaita Konar
Part of the book: Natural Dyes
By Gianluca Cicala, Giuseppe Cristaldi, Giuseppe Recca and Alberta Latteri
Part of the book: Woven Fabric Engineering
By Ashis Kumar Samanta and Adwaita Konar
Part of the book: Natural Dyes
By Ilesanmi Afolabi Daniyan and Khumbulani Mpofu
Part of the book: Applications of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
By Ingrid Paoletti and Lorenzo Ceccon
Part of the book: 3D Printing
By Adriana Ungureanu
Part of the book: Textiles for Advanced Applications
By S. Amirhassan Monadjemi
Part of the book: Advanced Technologies