Sándor Kukovics

Hungarian Sheep and Goat Dairying Public Utility Association

Prof. Dr. Sándor Kukovics spent 40 years at the Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition (Herceghalom, Hungary), being responsible for the small ruminants sector; he has edited 40 books, published more than 1,150 articles, and has licences for four products. Beside research work, he has been taking part in further education at various universities in Hungary. Since 1996, he has been working as president of the Hungarian Sheep and Goat Dairying Public Utility Association, and he has served as the executive manager of Sheep and Goat Products Board (Hungary) since 2010. Between 2015 and 2019, he served as vice president of EU COPA-COGECA Working Party on Sheep and Goats, and he has been acting as a member of the board of directors within the International Goat Association since 2016.

Sándor Kukovics

6books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Sándor Kukovics

In this volume, the latest information on sheep farming concerning the effects of climate change is summarized in eight chapters. Climate change basically determines changes in the environment, which affect the keeping, feeding, animal health, and breeding conditions of sheep. These changes affect the sustainability of sheep farming, the sheep’s resilience, and based on this, the livelihood opportunities of the people who keep the sheep. In different regions, the factors that enable or limit the effectiveness of sheep farming can change to a different degree and form. Changes in circumstances make it increasingly important to utilize the elements of precision farming in sheep farming because knowledge of current registration, production, and location data is essential even in extensive conditions.

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