Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli,
Open access chapters
By Gonzalo Emiliano Aranda Abreu, Sonia Lilia Mestizo Gutiérrez, María Elena Hernández Aguilar and Fausto Rojas Durán
By Inelia Morales, Gonzalo A. Farías, Nicole Cortes and Ricardo B. Maccioni
By Marco Antonio Meraz-Ríos and Perla Leal-Galicia
By J. Arjuna Ratnayaka and Savannah Lynn
By Sunil S. Adav and Siu Kwan Sze
By Manuel Torres, Xavier Busquets and Pablo V. Escribá
By Luis F. Hernández-Zimbrón, Elisa Gorostieta-Salas, Mei-Li Díaz- Hung, Roxanna Pérez-Garmendia, Gohar Gevorkian and Hugo Quiroz-Mercado
By Erika Orta‐Salazar, Isaac Vargas‐Rodríguez, Susana A Castro‐ Chavira, Alfredo I. Feria‐Velasco and Sofía Díaz‐Cintra
By Michał Prendecki, Jolanta Florczak-Wyspianska, Marta Kowalska, Margarita Lianeri, Wojciech Kozubski and Jolanta Dorszewska
By Alyssa A. Brewer and Brian Barton
By Sarah K. Woody and Liqin Zhao
By María José Pérez, Claudia Jara, Ernesto Muñoz‐Urrutia and Rodrigo A. Quintanilla
By Elena Salobrar‐García, Ana I. Ramírez, Rosa de Hoz, Pilar Rojas, Juan J. Salazar, Blanca Rojas, Raquel Yubero, Pedro Gil, Alberto Triviño and José M. Ramírez
By Kendra Ray, Ayelet Dassa, Jan Maier, Renita Davis and Olayinka Ogunlade
By Teresa Mayordomo Rodríguez, Alicia Sales Galán, Rita Redondo Flores, Marta Torres Jordán and Javier Bendicho Montes
By Grazia D’Onofrio, Daniele Sancarlo, Davide Seripa, Francesco Ricciardi, Francesco Giuliani, Francesco Panza and Antonio Greco
By Robyn Gillespie, Pippa Burns, Lindsey Harrison, Amanda Baker, Khin Win, Victoria Traynor and Judy Mullan
By Juárez‐Cedillo Teresa, Hsiung Ging‐Yuek, Sepehry A. Amir, Beattie B. Lynn, Jacova Claudia and Escobedo de la Peña Jorge
By Rubesh Gooriah and Ashok Raman
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73 Crossref Citations
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