Open access peer-reviewed Edited Volume
Australian College of Business & Technology,
Sri Lanka
University of Kansas Medical Center,
United States of America
Open access chapters
By Viduranga Y. Waisundara
By Michio Hashimoto and Shahdat Hossain
By Augusta Caligiani and Veronica Lolli
By Patricia de Velasco, Amanda Ferreira, Louise Crovesy, Tarsis Marine and Maria das Graças Tavares do Carmo
By Ana Paula de Souza e Silva, Wanessa Almeida da Costa, Marielba de Los Angeles Rodriguez Salazar, Priscila do Nascimento Bezerra, Flávia Cristina Seabra Pires, Maria Caroline Rodrigues Ferreira, Eduardo Gama Ortiz Menezes, Glides Rafael Olivo Urbina, Jhonatas Rodrigues Barbosa and de Carvalho Raul Nunes
By Jesui Vergilio Visentainer, Oscar Oliveira Santos, Liane Maldaner, Caroline Zappielo, Vanessa Neia, Lorena Visentainer, Luciana Pelissari, Jessica Pizzo, Adriela Rydlewski, Roberta Silveira, Marilia Galuch and Jeane Laguila Visentainer
By Adela Mora-Gutierrez, Rahmat Attaie and Maryuri Núñez de González
13,871 Total Chapter Downloads
2,475 Total Chapter Views
43 Crossref Citations
10 Web of Science Citations
91 Dimensions Citations
12 Altmetric Score
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