Authors are required to declare financial support that they have been awarded with to conduct their research.
All Authors should list all grants provided to any author on the manuscript to ensure adherence with open access publishing policies. Each funder must be stated in full with the corresponding grant number.
If the only source of funding was that provided by general employment of an institution, this should also be stated, as should the funding of manuscript preparation (if applicable). Grant details should be included, and clearly identified in the submitted paper, to ensure your funder covers the APC. All funder names should follow standard nomenclature; please use CrossRef to verify names as authors are responsible for specifying funders and grant numbers.
Please use the following wording: “This paper received no external funding.” or “This paper received funding from {name of funder} grant number {xxx}.” Please also add, if applicable “The APC was funded by{name of funder}.”
All manuscripts submitted to IntechOpen journals must have a funding statement and a conflict-of-interest statement. These statements will be included in the published version of manuscripts, even if no conflicts exist.
Policy last updated: 23 January 2023